Results for 'Alv A. Dahl'

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  1.  88
    ‘‘Is ‘Seeking God’s Help’ Associated with Life Satisfaction and Disease-specific Quality of Life in Cancer Patients? The HUNT Study.Torgeir Sørensen, Jostein Holmen, Sophie D. Fosså, Lars J. Danbolt, Lars Lien & Alv A. Dahl - 2012 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 34 (2):191-213.
    This study investigates the prevalence of ‘Seeking God's Help’, its relation to time since diagnosis, and its association with Life Satisfaction for all cancer types. This study also investigates Disease-Specific Quality of Life for patients with breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers. Data were obtained from the third wave of the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study of Norway, with 2,086 cancer patients identified by the Cancer Registry of Norway and 6,258 cancer-free controls. Our results indicate a higher prevalence of ‘Seeking God's Help’ after (...)
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  2. Democracy and democracies: between theory and facts // Democracia e democracias: entre teoria e fatos.Marta Rios Alves Nunes da Costa - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (2):135-146.
    Existem muitas teorias sobre democracia. Na verdade, enquanto se fala de “teoria democrática” como se existisse um consenso acerca do que esta poderia significar, a partir do momento em que nos debruçamos sobre diferentes autores, apercebemo-nos de que há tantas teorias quanto há perspectivas sobre o tema. Neste artigo tenho como interlocutores Robert Dahl, Benjamin Barber, Robert Goodin e David Plotke. O artigo tem três momentos. No primeiro, desenho o contexto geral para uma reflexão crítica sobre democracia, partindo da (...)
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  3.  25
    Substance in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Zeta.Norman O. Dahl - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book argues that according to Metaphysics Zeta, substantial forms constitute substantial being in the sensible world, and individual composites make up the basic constituents that possess this kind of being. The study explains why Aristotle provides a reexamination of substance after the Categories, Physics, and De Anima, and highlights the contribution Z is meant to make to the science of being. Norman O. Dahl argues that Z.1-11 leaves both substantial forms and individual composites as candidates for basic constituents, (...)
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    Appraising Black-Boxed Technology: the Positive Prospects.E. S. Dahl - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (4):571-591.
    One staple of living in our information society is having access to the web. Web-connected devices interpret our queries and retrieve information from the web in response. Today’s web devices even purport to answer our queries directly without requiring us to comb through search results in order to find the information we want. How do we know whether a web device is trustworthy? One way to know is to learn why the device is trustworthy by inspecting its inner workings, 156–170 (...)
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  5.  12
    Aristotle on Action, Practical Reason, and Weakness of the Will.Norman O. Dahl - 2008 - In Georgios Anagnostopoulos, A Companion to Aristotle. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 498–511.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Aristotle on Action Aristotle on Practical Reason Aristotle on Weakness of the Will Notes Bibliography.
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  6.  37
    Phenomenology of the Broken Body.Espen Dahl, Cassandra Falke & Thor Eirik Eriksen (eds.) - 2018 - London, UK: Routledge.
    Some fundamental aspects of the lived body only become evident when it breaks down through illness, weakness or pain. From a phenomenological point of view, various breakdowns are worth analyzing for their own sake, and discussing them also opens up overlooked dimensions of our bodily constitution. This book brings together different approaches that shed light on the phenomenology of the lived body—its normality and abnormality, health and sickness, its activity as well as its passivity. The contributors integrate phenomenological insights with (...)
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  7.  85
    (1 other version)Morality and the Meaning of Life: Some First Thoughts.Norman Dahl - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):1 - 22.
    Although there may be many questions about the meaning of life that will ultimately prove intractable, I think that there are some questions that can be answered. Furthermore, I think that progress towards answering them can be made through work that has and will be done in moral philosophy. In support of this I shall articulate a set of questions that I think are often at issue when people ask about the meaningfulness of life. These questions give rise to a (...)
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  8.  69
    Oppression and racial slavery: Abolitionist challenges to neo-republicanism.Adam Dahl - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (2):272-295.
    The neo-republican conception of freedom as non-domination has emerged as a powerful framework for conceptualizing the dynamic relationship between power, democracy, and constitutionalism in modernity. Despite this, I argue that adaptations of republican freedom to the problem of slavery displace attention to race and foreclose more productive ways of addressing how racial slavery constitutes a distinct form of oppression. To illuminate the limitations of neo-republicanism, I turn to the political thought of abolitionists David Walker and Ottobah Cugoano. Both utilize comparative (...)
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  9. The case for physician assisted suicide: how can it possibly be proven?Edgar Dahl & Neil Levy - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6):335-338.
    In her paper, The case for physician assisted suicide: not proven, Bonnie Steinbock argues that the experience with Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act fails to demonstrate that the benefits of legalising physician assisted suicide outweigh its risks. Given that her verdict is based on a small number of highly controversial cases that will most likely occur under any regime of legally implemented safeguards, she renders it virtually impossible to prove the case for physician assisted suicide. In this brief paper, we (...)
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  10.  23
    Rationalization is rare, reasoning is pervasive.Audun Dahl & Talia Waltzer - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    If rationalization were ubiquitous, it would undermine a fundamental premise of human discourse. A review of key evidence indicates that rationalization is rare and confined to choices among comparable options. In contrast, reasoning is pervasive in human decision making. Within the constraints of reasoning, rationalization may operate in ambiguous situations. Studying these processes requires careful definitions and operationalizations.
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  11. Abort og fosterreduksjon: En etisk sammenligning.Silje Langseth Dahl, Rebekka Hylland Vaksdal, Mathias Barra, Espen Gamlund & Carl Tollef Solberg - 2019 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:89-111.
    In recent years, multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR) has increasingly been the subject of debate in Norway, and the intensity reached a tentative maximum when Legislation Department delivered the interpretative statement § 2 - Interpretation of the Abortion Act in 2016 in response to the Ministry of Health (2014) requesting the Legislation Department to consider whether the Law on abortion allows for MFPR of healthy fetuses in multiple pregnancies. The Legislation Department concluded that current abortion laws allow MFPR within the framework (...)
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  12.  56
    Emotional Action and Communication in Early Moral Development.Audun Dahl, Joseph J. Campos & David C. Witherington - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (2):147-157.
    Emotional action and communication are integral to the development of morality, here conceptualized as our concerns for the well-being of other people and the ability to act on those concerns. Focusing on the second year of life, this article suggests a number of ways in which young children’s emotions and caregivers’ emotional communication contribute to early forms of helping, empathy, and learning about prohibitions. We argue for distinguishing between moral issues and other normative issues also in the study of early (...)
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  13.  15
    Épilogue. Le Danemark et la liberté de la recherche : le chercheur en tant qu’intellectuel public.Jacob Dahl Rendtorff & Sandra Frost Campos Guimay - 2022 - Diogène n° 275-276 (3):157-163.
    L’article aborde le rôle de l’intellectuel dans la société moderne par rapport à l’engagement activiste de la recherche. Un groupe de recherche de l’Université de Roskilde au Danemark constitué par Jacob Dahl Rendtorff et Sandra Frost, en collaboration avec Reidar Due de l’Université d’Oxford, vient d’obtenir une subvention de la Fondation danoise pour la recherche indépendante afin d’effectuer des recherches sur « L’éthique et la politique de la libre pensée. Le rôle de l’intellectuel public ». Ce projet doit être (...)
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  14.  16
    Stanley Cavell, Religion, and Continental Philosophy.Espen Dahl - 2014 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    The American philosopher Stanley Cavell is a secular Jew who by his own admission is obsessed with Christ, yet his outlook on religion in general is ambiguous. Probing the secular and the sacred in Cavell’s thought, Espen Dahl explains that Cavell, while often parting ways with Christianity, cannot dismiss it either. Focusing on Cavell's work as a whole, but especially on his recent engagement with Continental philosophy, Dahl brings out important themes in Cavell’s philosophy and his conversation with (...)
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  15.  67
    The Phenomenology of Pain and Pleasure: Henry and Levinas.Espen Dahl & Theodor Sandal Rolfsen - 2024 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 31 (1):46-67.
    While Henry and Levinas are often juxtaposed, little attention has been given to their shared views on pain and pleasure. Both phenomenologists converge on the argument that an adequate account of pain and pleasure requires a critical confrontation with the theory of intentionality. This raises further questions. What roles do interiority and exteriority play in pain and pleasure? Should they be conceived as different tonalities of one essence or as heterogenous phenomena? Despite their shared critique of intentionality, Henry and Levinas (...)
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  16.  30
    Abortion and multifetal pregnancy reduction: An ethical comparison.Silje Langseth Dahl, Rebekka Hylland Vaksdal, Mathias Barra, Espen Gamlund & Carl Tollef Solberg - 2021 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:51-73.
    In recent years, multifetal pregnancy reduction has increasingly been a subject of debate in Norway. The intensity of this debate reached a tentative maximum when the Legislation Department delivered their interpretative statement, Section 2 - Interpretation of the Abortion Act, in 2016 in response to a request from the Ministry of Health that the Legislation Department consider whether the Abortion Act allows for MFPR of healthy fetuses in multiple pregnancies. The Legislation Department concluded that the current abortion legislation [as of (...)
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  17.  41
    The inner tension of pain and the phenomenology of evil.Espen Dahl - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 78 (4-5):396-406.
    While there is no shortage of philosophical and theological occupations with the problem of evil and theodicy, the phenomenological basis from which the problem arises often gets lost in abstract accounts. In delimiting the case to physical pain, this article attempts to provide a perspective on the problem of evil following the lead from one of the problem’s sources. Through a phenomenological analysis of pain, the article highlights the inner tension that belongs to the experience of pain. This contradiction can (...)
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  18.  18
    Imagine No Religion.Edgar Dahl - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk, 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 252–258.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Note.
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  19. Two Kinds of Essence in Aristotle.Norman O. Dahl - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (2):233-265.
    Virtually everyone will agree that according to Aristotle, for a particular substance to be is at least for it to be a thing of a certain kind. Every particular substance falls under a substance kind, where the essence of that particular substance at least includes the essence of its substance kind. For example, for a particular man to be is at least for him to be characterized by those predicates that make something a man. More generally, if A is said (...)
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  20.  37
    Utimut: Past Heritage - Future Partnerships, Discussions on Repatriation in the 21st Century /Mille Gabriel & Jens Dahl, Editors.Mille Gabriel & Jens Dahl (eds.) - 2008 - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs and Greenland National Museum & Archives.
    This book identifies a need to move beyond discussions of ownership, power and control in favour of exploring new kinds of partnerships between museums and the peoples or countries of origin, partnerships based on equitability and reconciliation.
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  21.  83
    The origin in traces: diversity and universality in Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutic phenomenology of religion.Darren E. Dahl - 2019 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 86 (2):99-110.
    At the heart of Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutic phenomenology of religion one discovers a commitment to the diversity of religious expression. This commitment is grounded in his understanding of the linguistic and temporal conditions of religious phenomena. By exploring his contribution to the debate concerning the so-called ‘theological turn’ in French phenomenology in relation to his studies of translation, this essay explores Ricoeur’s understanding of religious phenomenality where meaning is experienced as the simultaneous advance and withdrawal of an originary event in (...)
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  22.  61
    From Epistemic Norms to Logical Rules: Epistemic Models for Logical Expressivists.Niklas Dahl - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (6):1517-1533.
    In this paper I construct a system of semantics for classical and intuitionistic propositional logic based on epistemic norms governing belief expansion. Working in the AGM-framework of belief change, I give a generalisation of Gärdenfors’ notion of belief systems which can be defined without reference to a logical consequence operator by using a version of the Ramsey Test. These belief expansion systems can then be used to define epistemic models which are sound and complete for either classical or intuitionistic propositional (...)
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  23.  67
    Sex Selection: Laissez Faire or Family Balancing?Edgar Dahl - 2005 - Health Care Analysis 13 (1):87-90.
    In a recent comment on the HFEA’s public consultation on sex selection, Soren Holm claimed that proponents of family balancing are committed to embrace a laissez faire approach. Given that arguments in support of sex selection for family balancing also support sex selection for other social reasons, advocates of family balancing, he asserts, are simply inconsistent when calling for a limit on access to sex selection. In this paper, I argue that proponents of family balancing are in no way inconsistent. (...)
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  24.  30
    Augustine and Heidegger on Verticality and Everydayness.Espen Dahl - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (2):203-221.
    The first part of the article examines how Augustine’s notion of the everyday is mediated by his mystical ascensions, which give him the sense of height against which everydayness appears as oriented downward or fallen. These are the coordinates that make up the fundamental verticality of Augustine’s view. Heidegger’s understanding of everydayness was influenced by Augustine, particularly its inherent tendency to fall. In the article’s second part, it is argued that Heidegger explicitly avoids all references to metaphysical or religious heights. (...)
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  25.  6
    Global governance and the emergence of global institutions for the 21st century.Arthur L. Dahl - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Maja Groff & Augusto López-Claros.
    The world today is facing unprecedented challenges of governance far beyond what the United Nations, established more than 70 years ago, was designed to face. The grave effects of global climate change are already manifesting themselves, requiring rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society if we are to arrest catastrophic and probably irreversible consequences. Science has uncovered the frightening and rapid collapse in global biodiversity, threatening ecosystems across the planet that maintain the correct functioning of the biosphere, (...)
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  26.  24
    Humility and Generosity: On the Horizontality of Divine Givenness.Espen Dahl - 2013 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 55 (3):344-360.
    Summary Husserl’s notion of horizon plays a decisive role in his phenomenological analysis of perception. It is nevertheless striking that prominent philosophers of the “theological turn” in phenomenology, such as Levinas and Marion, attach no religious significance to the phenomenological horizon; on the contrary, they tend to regard the horizon as an obstacle to the experience of the religious. This article argues, however, that if divinity is somehow implied in the proximity of things and yet stretches out to the most (...)
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  27.  20
    Hermeneutics, phenomenology, and revelation.Espen Dahl - 2007 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 48 (4):479-496.
    SummaryThis article has been concerned with the possibilities and limitations in two different approaches to general revelation prevalent in current philosophy of religion. Werner Jeanrond follows Rahner in his emphasis of experience in encountering revelation, but he wants to supplement Rahner's contribution with critical resources found in Paul Ricœur's hermeneutics. This suggestion, however, calls for a more thorough investigation of the relation between experience and interpretation, phenomenology and hermeneutics with regard to revelation. Ricœur's own accounts of revelation focus on readers' (...)
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  28.  90
    On acknowledgement and Cavell's unacknowledged theological voice.Espen Dahl - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (6):931-945.
    This article argues that Cavell's key concept of acknowledgement is of great theological significance. Acknowledgement is meant as a particular interpretation of knowledge, which emphasises the personal responsiveness and responsibility to the human other and to the world. As Cavell himself indicates, acknowledgement also overlaps with faith. However, what such acknowledgement of God amounts to, is not yet satisfactorily understood in the growing literature on Cavell. This article argues that Cavell's treatment of confessions (Augustine, Wittgenstein) and acceptance of promise (Luther) (...)
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  29.  75
    On Substance Being the Same As Its Essence in Metaphysics Z 6: The Pale Man Argument.Norman O. Dahl - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):1-27.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Substance Being the Same As Its Essence in Metaphysics Z 6: The Pale Man ArgumentNorman O. Dahlin general Aristotle’s account of substance in the Categories is clear. Primary substances, the basic constitutents of the world, are independently existing individuals, paradigm examples of which are particular living organisms. However, the later use to which Aristotle puts matter and form provides him with two new candidates for primary substance.1 A (...)
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  30. The Problem of Job and the Problem of Evil.Espen Dahl - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    This account of evil takes the Book of Job as its guide. The Book of Job considers physical pain, social bereavement, the origin of evil, theodicy, justice, divine violence, and reward. Such problems are explored by consulting ancient and modern accounts from the fields of theology and philosophy, broadly conceived. Some of the literature on evil - especially the philosophical literature - is inclined toward the abstract treatment of such problems. Bringing along the suffering Job will serve as a reminder (...)
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    Ethics in the bank internet encounter: an explorative study.Jacob Dahl Rendtorff & Jan Mattsson - 2012 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 10 (1):36-51.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to discuss some ethical issues in the internet encounter between customer and bank. Empirical data related to the difficulties that customers have when they deal with the bank through internet technology and electronic banking. The authors discuss the difficulties that customers expressed from an ethical standpoint.Design/methodology/approachThe key problem of the paper is “how does research handle the user's lack of competence in a web‐based commercial environment?” The authors illustrate this ethical dilemma with data from (...)
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  32.  47
    Femmebodiment: Notes on queer feminine shapes of vulnerability.Ulrika Dahl - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (1):35-53.
    In a time when worlds, communities and subjects are increasingly presented as ‘vulnerable’, much remains to be said about the distinctly feminine shapes of ‘vulnerability’; weakness, softness, permeability, a sense of being affected, imprinted upon, or entered and shattered. While this presumed vulnerability of the feminine body has often been the basis of feminist sexual politics, feminist goals of autonomy often presume an internal and external undoing of vulnerability as such. Drawing on ethnographic research with queer femmes and building on (...)
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  33.  10
    Om den moderna tidsregimen och Lydia Wahlströms historiska kvinnokategori.Daniela Dahl - 2021 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 83:119-136.
    This article examines a historical work which depicts the history of women and the women’s movement in Sweden, written in 1933 by Swedish historian Lydia Wahlström. Through the theoretical concept of the modern time regime, this article reveals how modern time-structures were integral to Wahlström’s conception of women’s history and the manner in which she constructed the historical development of women’s collective identity. In Wahlström’s work, women as a category for historical analysis harboured facets which shifted during the course of (...)
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  34.  32
    Pax genes and organogenesis.Edgar Dahl, Haruhiko Koseki & Rudi Balling - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (9):755-765.
    Pax genes are a family of development control genes that encode nuclear transcription factors. They are characterized by the presence of the paired domain, a conserved amino acid motif with DNA‐binding activity. Originally, paired‐box‐containing genes were detected in Drosophila malenogaster, where they exert multiple functions during embryogenesis. In vertebrates, Pax genes are also involved in embryogenesis. Mutations in four out of nine characterized Pax genes have been associated with either congenital human diseases such as Waardenburg syndrome (PAX3), Aniridia (PAX6), Peter's (...)
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  35. The German Tradition of Self-Cultivation (Bildung) and its Historical Meaning.Alexandre Alves - 2019 - Educação and Realidade 44 (2):1-18. Translated by Alexandre Alves.
    The German Tradition of Self-Cultivation (Bil dung) and its Historical Meaning. This article aims at analysing the historical meaning of the German ideal of self-cultivation (Bildung), considering its different uses and interpretations over time. Based on the historical semantics of Reinhart Koselleck and the bibliography on the subject, it reconstructs the core transformations in its semantic structure from the beginnings in the late Middle Ages to its institutionalization in the German school system in the nineteenth century. The development of the (...)
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  36.  36
    The differential similarity of positive and negative information – an affect-induced processing outcome?Hans Alves, Alex Koch & Christian Unkelbach - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1224-1238.
    People judge positive information to be more alike than negative information. This good-bad asymmetry in similarity was argued to constitute a true property of the information ecology (Alves, H., Koch, A., & Unkelbach, C. (2017). Why good is more alike than bad: Processing implications. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21, 69–79). Alternatively, the asymmetry may constitute a processing outcome itself, namely an influence of phasic affect on information processing. Because no research has yet tested whether phasic affect influences perceived similarity among (...)
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  37.  25
    Medicines Information and the Regulation of the Promotion of Pharmaceuticals.Teresa Leonardo Alves, Joel Lexchin & Barbara Mintzes - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (4):1167-1192.
    Many factors contribute to the inappropriate use of medicines, including not only a lack of information but also inaccurate and misleading promotional information. This review examines how the promotion of pharmaceuticals directly affects the prescribing and use of medicines. We define promotion broadly as all actions taken directly by pharmaceutical companies with the aim of enhancing product sales. We look in greater detail at promotion techniques aimed at prescribers, such as sales representatives, pharmaceutical advertisements in medical journals and use of (...)
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  38.  44
    Kant’s Die falsche Spitzfindigkeit and Proof-theoretic Semantics.Tiago Rezende de Castro Alves - 2022 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (3):273-286.
    According to Schroeder-Heister 2018, proof-theoretic semantics is ‘an alternative to truth-condition semantics. It is based on the fundamental assumption that the central notion in terms of which meanings are assigned to certain expressions of our language, in particular to logical constants, is that of proof rather than truth. In this sense proof-theoretic semantics is semantics in terms of proof. Proof-theoretic semantics also means the semantics of proofs, i.e. the semantics of entities which describe how we arrive at certain assertions given (...)
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  39. Logic is Metaphysics DOI: 10.5007/1808-1711.2011v15n1p31.Daniel Durante Pereira Alves - 2011 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 15 (1):31-42.
    Analyzing the position of two philosophers whose views are recognizably divergent, W. O. Quine and M. Dummett, we intend to support a striking point of agreement between them: the idea that our logical principles constitute our principles about what there is, and therefore, that logic is metaphysics.
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    Empatía y ser-para-otro. Husserl y Sartre ante el problema de la intersubjetividad.Pedro S. Alves - 2012 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 9:11-38.
    En este documento, debato ampliamente sobre la fenomenología de la intersubjetividad presentada por Husserl y por Sartre, centrándome en los conceptos de empatía y ser-para-otros. Contrariamente a la opinión más común, rechazo la objeción de solipsista dirigida a Husserl y sostengo que es la descripción de Sartre la que da lugar a esa objeción, en la medida en que él describe la conciencia de otro sujeto como una forma de autoconocimiento como un "objeto" (para "otros"). Termino señalando algunas directrices para (...)
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    Why do students cheat? Perceptions, evaluations, and motivations.Talia Waltzer & Audun Dahl - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (2):130-150.
    Academic cheating, a common and consequential form of dishonesty, has puzzled moral psychologists and educators for decades. The present research examined a new theoretical approach to the perceptions, evaluations, and motivations that shape students’ decisions to cheat. We tested key predictions of this approach by systematically examining students’ accounts of their own cheating. In two studies, we interviewed undergraduates in psychology (n = 68) and engineering (n = 123) classes about their past experiences with plagiarism or other cheating. Interviews assessed (...)
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  42. Ontological Commitment.Daniel Durante Pereira Alves - 2018 - AL-Mukhatabat 1 (27):177-223.
    Disagreement over what exists is so fundamental that it tends to hinder or even to block dialogue among disputants. The various controversies between believers and atheists, or realists and nominalists, are only two kinds of examples. Interested in contributing to the intelligibility of the debate on ontology, in 1939 Willard van Orman Quine began a series of works which introduces the notion of ontological commitment and proposes an allegedly objective criterion to identify the exact conditions under which a theoretical discourse (...)
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  43. Método e discurso filosófico no diálogo 'O Sofista' de Platão.Alexandre Alves - 2021 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia (Ufrn) 28 (57):131-142.
    Due to its discussion of the question of non-being and its intention of grounding the philosophical discourse, Plato ́s dialogue The Sophist occupies a central position in the history of philosophy. The purpose of this article is to relate the definition method used by Plato in the dialogue (the diaeresis) with his conception of philosophical discourse. The different definitions for the sophist proposed in the dialogue are not only part of Plato's polemic against sophistry, but underpin the very Platonic conception (...)
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  44. Individualidade, liberdade e educação (Bildung) em Max Stirner.Alexandre Alves - 2018 - Pro-Posições 29 (3):281-304.
    This paper aims to discuss how the themes of individuality, freedom and education are articulated in Stirner's thought. It begins with a brief history of Stirner's reception. Next, the paper analyzes the subversion of Hegelian dialectics and the critique of Feuerbach's and Marx's atheistic humanism, which remain linked to Christian theology by deifying an abstract human essence. Then, the focus shifts to Stirnerian nominalism and its criticism of God, State, humanity and society as ideological constructs that dominate the concrete individual. (...)
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  45. La racionalidad neoliberal y la transformación estructural de la universidad.Alexandre Alves - 2019 - Pedagogia y Saberes 51:67-74.
    The aim of this text, derived from an investigation, is to propose a reflection on the future of the university, from the problematization of the neoliberal rationality impact on the forms of knowledge production and organization of academic life. To develop this analysis, the main transformations of the modern university since its advent with the founding of the Berlin University by Wilhelm von Humboldt, in 1810, who created the model of the research university, until the emergence of the neoliberal university (...)
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    Paul Ricoeur.Antonio Helio Rocha Alves - 2025 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (30):40-56.
    The work aims to briefly present some points of Paul Ricoeur's analysis, especially The Living Metaphor in his Study I Between Rhetoric and Poetics carried out by the philosopher in the study mentioned above, divided into five parts: 1- The unfolding of rhetoric and poetics. 2- The common core of poetics and rhetoric: "the epiphora of the name". 3- An enigma: metaphor and comparison (eikõn). 4- The "rhetorical" place of the lexis. 5- The "poetic" place of the lexis. Based on (...)
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  47. Are emotions necessary and sufficient for making moral judgments?Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves - 2013 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 12 (1):113-126.
    Jesse Prinz (2006, 2007) claimed that emotions are necessary and sufficient for moral judgments. First of all, I clarify what this claim amounts to. The view that he labels emotionism will then be critically assessed. Prinz marshals empirical findings to defend a series of increasingly strong theses about how emotions are essential for moral judgments. I argue that the empirical support upon which his arguments are based is not only insufficient, but it even suggests otherwise, if properly interpreted. My criticism (...)
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    O elogio aos “tumultos” na teoria política de Maquiavel.Vital Alves - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (3):143-159.
    Entre as questões medulares que estruturam a filosofia política de Maquiavel observadas nos Discursos sobre a primeira década de Tito Lívio, verifica-se, por um lado, o secretário florentino confrontando diretamente as reflexões políticas suscitadas pelos gregos, romanos e humanistas cívicos acerca do valor da concórdia no âmbito político. E, por outro, ao promover esse confronto em relação à disseminada ideia de concórdia, apresenta a defesa, logo nos primeiros capítulos, de uma tese fadada a gerar alvoroço, a saber, a de que (...)
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    Forschung an Minderjährigen im internationalen Vergleich: Bilanz und Zukunftsperspektiven. [REVIEW]Matthias Dahl & Claudia Wiesemann - 2001 - Ethik in der Medizin 13 (1-2):87-110.
    Definition of the problem: Medical research with children, especially non-therapeutic research, requires particular consideration. In the current situation this kind of research is not clearly regulated by law in Germany. This entails practical problems in evaluating clinical studies from an ethical point of view. Arguments and conclusion: To develop a new policy framework the international ethical discussion is reviewed. The article analyzes the historical development of research with minors from an ethical perspective, the notion of minimal risk, criteria for evaluating (...)
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  50. Singularidade fenomênica e conteúdo perceptivo.Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves - 2018 - Manuscrito 41 (1):67-91.
    The most prominent theories of perceptual content are incapable of accounting for the phenomenal particularity of perceptual experience. This difficulty, or so I argue, springs from the absence of a series of distinctions that end up turning the problem apparently unsolvable. After briefly examining the main shortcomings of representationalism and naïve realism, I advance a proposal of my own that aims to make the trivial fact of perceptually experiencing a particular object as such philosophically unproblematic. Though I am well aware (...)
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